Board of Directors shall manage and supervise the affairs of the Club. Their
duties shall be to:
- Prepare an annual budget
- Establish and execute rules of operation the Board may from time to time
deem necessary
- Approve expenditures of the Club (one sport one vote)
- Call regular and special meetings of the Club
- Amend the By-Laws of the Club
Representation to the Board:
- The Officers
- The Adel DeSoto Minburn School District Activities Director (as a
Non-Voting Member)
- A Representative and an Alternate of the followings sports/activities (one
sport one vote)
- Football
- Girls' Basketball
- Boys' Basketball
- Wrestling
- Girls' Track
- Boys' Track
- Girls' Golf
- Boys' Golf
- Volleyball
- Softball
- Baseball
- Cheerleading
- Dance
- Girls' Cross Country
- Boys' Cross Country
- Boys' Soccer
- Girls' Soccer
- Strength & Conditioning
These representatives for the following school year shall be nominated
by the coach(es) or by the board representing the respective sports or activity
and shall be approved by the Board at the annual meeting. Duties of
Representatives are to represent a particular sport/activity by:
- Coming to each monthly meeting or send the alternate in their place
- Assisting the coach by bringing his/her concerns, comments, and questions
to the Club
- Lining up workers for the concession stand, as needed and by helping to
handle other operational needs
- Assisting the coach by helping to address issues unique to that particular
- Meeting with the coach prior to the annual meeting to identify a sport
representative and alternate for the next school year
Term of office – The term of office shall be one year, annual meeting
to annual meeting or until a successor is named by the Board.
Executive Committee – Between meetings of the Board, the Duties of the
Board shall be discharged (subject to limitations imposed by the Board) by an
Executive Committee of the Board. Such Committee shall consist of the officers
and the High School Activities Director (as a non-voting member).
Removal – Any officer may be removed at any time by two-thirds vote of
the Directors at any two consecutive Board meetings.
Vacancy – Should a vacancy occur among the officers or directors, the
Board shall appoint a member to fill such vacancy until the next annual meeting
of the Club.